Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Radon Test High? How to Rid Your Home of Radon

The Environmental Protection Agency sets safe exposure limit standards for radon gas at between 2 pCi and 4 pCi. If the number exceeds 4 pCi, you need to hire a radon abatement contractor to remove the radon from your house when you get a radon test. Once that is done, a follow-up test should be performed to measure the levels to ensure they remain within safe limits. Testing is done through a device placed in your lowest level of living, not the lowest level of the entire home. The goal is to find the radon level your family is actively breathing in.

Walk through the system with the contractor to develop familiarity. After the contractor is finished making adjustments and installations, ask them to walk you through the system. Ask questions if you need clarification and write down any instructions or pertinent information the contractor provides. For information about installing an in-line fan, see Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon. The techniques described here also make your home more energy efficient and could provide you an average of $65 savings per year in your energy costs. For a new home, ask if radon-resistant construction features were used and if the home has been tested.

Radon and Your Health

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends contacting a qualified professionalexternal icon to install a radon reduction system if your home radon level is at or above 4 pCi/L of air. EPA also recommends taking action to reduce radon if your home radon level is from 2 pCi/L through 4 pCi/L. Some techniques work to reduce the amount of radon entering your home, while others focus on removing radon already in the air. Work with your contractor to choose the best techniques for the levels of radon in the space as well as your budget. Ask the contractor to prepare a contract that details the strategy you have chosen, then review and sign it before any work begins. Contact your national radon office for a list of certified contractors that can safely make adjustments to your property to reduce radon exposure.

Many pundits and experts have postulated that the tests should be performed every two years and that this ought to suffice in a bid to rid your home of radon. This technique bears a striking semblance to the above sub-slab depressurization. However, there are still subtle variations in that this method does not employ suction through the venting just like in sub-slab depressurization always comes in handy.

What is Radon, and How do I Get Rid of It?

While short-term radon tests deliver the fastest results, they are not always the most accurate option. Radon levels can fluctuate over time, so the reading you get over just a few days may not be reflective of the level of radon present in your home at other times during the year. Increase air flow in your house by opening windows and using fans and vents to circulate air.

how do i get rid of radon in my home

If used along with positive ion generators, ceiling fans are capable of reducing radon levels by 90%. This is achieved by a phenomenon called plate-out, which neutralizes radio-active particles. People who smoke and are exposed to radon are at a greater risk of developing lung cancer. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Surgeon General’s office estimate radon is responsible for more than 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the U.S.

What are symptoms of radon poisoning?

An active radon sump, fitted with a fan, is the most effective way to reduce indoor radon levels. Sumps work best under solid floors and under suspended floors if the ground is covered with concrete or a membrane. Occasionally, passive sumps without a fan may reduce radon levels. You will be directed to the AARST/NRPP, NRSB website where you can search for qualified professionals in Utah.

how do i get rid of radon in my home

While indoor radon gas levels are generally higher during winter, sometimes the summer can have higher indoor radon levels. Whether you use the DIY tips to reduce radon levels, or you install a professional system, you need to know if your efforts are working. Find a local, certified company to perform testing and, if required, install your radon mitigation system.

Because radon comes naturally from the earth, people are always exposed to it. To get rid of radon gas, you can install a radon fan, keep your home well ventilated, and hire a radon abatement contractor to remove the gas. You may also need to seal the cracks in the foundation to prevent the substance from getting in.

how do i get rid of radon in my home

We hope this article takes some of the mystery out of radon mitigation. And remember, to protect yourself and your family, test your home for radon today. Your ongoing costs will be relatively minimal after installation.You’ll pay about $6 to $8 per month on your utility bill, and you will need to replace the fan after about 15 years.

How do I get rid of radon naturally?

If you decide not to use a certified contractor to reduce radon, it’s essential that you contact your state radon office to find training courses in your area. Enroll in and attend these training classes to learn how to properly reduce radon levels. To answer that question, yes, radon levels in a home tend to be higher during the winter. And those higher levels of radon gas can lead to an increased chance of lung cancer.

All below-grade openings in the concrete foundation floor are sealed to reduce soil gas entry into the home. Because radon gas can’t be seen or smelled, the only way to know whether you're being exposed to it is to test for it. A Citizen’s Guide to Radon, produced by the EPA, explains how to test your home for radon easily and inexpensively, and what to do if your levels are too high.

When it comes to reducing your cancer risk, one important step could be right under your nose, or your feet. Getting your home tested for radon can help protect you and your family from a key cause of lung cancer. The only known health effect of radon is an increased risk of lung cancer. Radon testing is the only means with which you can be sure of the levels of radon within your property.

how do i get rid of radon in my home

A small quiet fan blows fresh air, usually from the roof space, into the building. Find out the yearly average radon level for a property and if it is above or below the Action Level. The Environmental Protection Agency's map of radon zones shows which areas have the greatest potential for elevated indoor radon readings. Homes in places with high radon potential, called Zone 1 areas, should be built with radon-resistant features.

Radon Vent Pipe and Fan Installation

Many long-term radon tests use alpha-tracking to assess radon levels. The tests consist of polycarbonate sheets that are left in the basement of the home. The alpha particles emitted by radon gas leave tracks behind on the sheets. After the testing period is complete, a lab will analyze alpha tracks on the sheets. More alpha tracks signal higher levels of radon in the home. Almost any home can have elevated levels, and long-term exposure can lead to a lung cancer diagnosis anywhere from five to 25 years down the line.

how do i get rid of radon in my home

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